Training Programme

Ongoing trainings:

Previous month trainings:

Training schedules for the current month:

Next month training schedules:

Upcoming training schedules:

All training schedule are listed here:

Duration :- to

GET Ahead aims to address some of the barriers women face in starting and running a business, including lack of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, low confidence, and gendered norms and roles that increase the burden of household and care responsibilities. GET Ahead bridges the gender gap in entrepreneurship support by offering women and men both the business management and key soft skills they need to start a business

Duration :- to

The programme aims at putting increasing emphasis on skills development of women for enhancing employability, entrepreneurship to facilitate decent employment and sustainable development in North East Region.

Duration :- to

The programme aims at putting increasing emphasis on skills development of women for enhancing employability, entrepreneurship to facilitate decent employment and sustainable development in North East Region.

Duration :- to

The changing job patterns and working relationships, the rise in self employment, greater sub-contracting, outsourcing of work, homework and the increasing number of employees working away from their establishment, pose problems of occupational safety and health risks at workplaces. New safety hazards and health risks have appeared along with the transfer and adoption of new technologies. Along with this, the lack of health insurance for workers in the informal economy, pose a double burden of health care expenditure. The programme therefore aims to address these issues and the need for social inclusion in order to boost human capital and productivity. It would enable participants to understand the international standards and existing legal instruments as well as some global best practices in order to promote workers’ rights, based on a model of social justice in the area of health protection and security.